J is on Skype the second I bring up my computer. The internet is still down in part of the village so we are using another service in the nest. She wants to know the news. I tell her
DLN: QUADRUPLE CRAP but I have a great role model to follow.
JSL: Remember that if they are tiny and enclosed you have plenty of time for decisions!!! Don't rush it.
DLN: And relatively young. But I want the little suckers out of my body and I want to punish the breast by trowing it in the trash.
JSL:Quintuple CRAP, SHIT, SCHEISSE, MERDE -hmmmm wonder how many languages we can come up with. Also, not that I should give anyone advice, wait until you have a game plan before alerting Llara.
JSL: You go girl: trow that breast! At least it made me laugh.
DLN:The only thing is this weekend she is with Susan and has support
JSL:Even if that wasn't the intention: someone should come up with a lexicon of funny bloopers as we type to fast.
DLN:Donna-Lane NELSON: True.
DLN:I will find humor damn it
JSL:: Ah ha - then by all means Skype with her this weekend. By-the-way, has she had a base mammo?
JSL: If you can't find the humor, we're all done for.
DLN: No and I'm giving her one when she is here for 62 Euros
JSL:And yes, I ended that in a preposition just to make you smile
JSL: Good idea - the mammo that is.
DLN: I noticed. I'll do anything to make you end a sentence with a preposition.
JSL: So you have, dammit!
JSL:Again, dear roomy, am sorrier than I can write. I am in your corner if I have to bludgeon those little cells myself (I will put you out first of course).
JSL: Seriously, I've got to go or I'll never get there. But I will travel easier not having to wait longer for the awful news. The shit has hit the fan, now we have to clean the walls.
DLN:I am emotionally Okay. I know what I have to do, properly annoyed that I have to do it, don't feel bad about the breast loss (not thrilled either).
JSL: "See" you in a couple of hours. And will be sending mountain energy!
DLN: Thanks for the laugh.
DLN:Drive carefully.
JSL:On the positive side - bras for prothesis have gotten much cuter - a bit far to go just for cute bras, but what the heck some of us go to extremes.
DLN: giggle
I Skype with Llara, my daughter. She has just finished one HR contract and has a few days off before she begins another in Harvard Square (I'm a bit jealous because Harvard Square was always a favorite sport).
She is in Ocean Grove with her surrogate aunt who knows. I'm happy someone will be there for her to talk it out after we get off.
Her reaction is "Oh shit." I reassure her about the good parts, share my fear about chemo, but she is okay with it. She will be here in late August when hopefully it will be over. Even if I do need chemo, we will know where we stand.
I plan to be around to harass her for quite a while. As J says, the purpose of parents is to embarrass your kids. Deep down, I think she's relieved I never have been a traditional mother, just an adoring one.