Silly me.
I'm not vain about losing my right breast. I am vain about going into the hospital with roots so today I colored my hair. I've been redheaded so long I'm not sure of my natural color or colors. Whenever a root shows I feel like a slovenly slut. No, it doesn't make sense, but I didn't want to be on the operating table with my slutty roots peeking out from under the cap they put on.
I did realise that if I have chemo I will lose my hair and will get a chance to see how much of it is the white white I would love to have.
Stupid, but the idea of the hair bothers me more, but then again, people don't see my breasts as I walk down the street.
Anyway, tomorrow at this time I'll either be in surgery or going to surgery--with my hair--without roots.
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