Saturday, January 9, 2016

Never the same

"Life is never the same after you have cancer," J said.

We were in my old bedroom with the woman who will provide my prosthesis and my sexy new underwear.

J was referring to the fact there is a missing breast and sometimes pain in the arm. There is also the niggle that maybe, just maybe somewhere inside the body a nasty little cell will set up housekeeping.

J is right, but life is never the same after lots of things:
  • Having a child
  • Marrying
  • Changing homes, towns, states or countries
The list is endless.

Meanwhile neurotic me won't have the underwear I want immediately because I can't get the sets I want until the new catalogue comes out next month. I really feel uncomfortable if my underpants do not match my bra and I want pretty underwear. It can be cotton or something else, but I want pretty.

Meanwhile I have a plan B on temporary balancing of my chest with my old bras and matching panties.

No matter what happens with my underwear, I am not a refugee facing winter in a tent with an uncertain future.

I would add that this is a detail not a problem.

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